In 2016, the founder of Maisha Farm purchased a land that was dry and seemingly unpromising.
However, with the help of the rural community and dedicated individuals, the land was transformed into a lush and highly profitable area over the course of 6 years.
Wildlife now thrives, birds are frequent visitors, chickens and geese are thriving, and plants are flourishing.
Nature has been restored and our hearts are full. This experience has taught us that anything is possible if we work to regenerate and strengthen the soil.
We aim to provide employment, education for rural communities living next to our lands, and to be among the top three largest vegetable and chickens producers and sellers in Senegal in the sub-Saharan region.
Thanks to our application, easy to use, many small farmholders will secure their harvest by selling it on time to our distribution chanel. Maisha Planet supermarket will, then expose the products to the customers.
1% of our production goes to the canteens near our farms.
We can ensure a better future for future generations by taking action today to protect our environment. By taking these actions today, we can help create a better future for the generations to come
The 3D projection of the farm in 10 years would depend on the types of investments made over that time, as well as the amount of money and resources devoted to the farm. This includes more crops grown, more livestock, and more equipment and infrastructure.
Our chickens are raised on grass.
Organic fruits doesn’t mean free-of-pesticide.
But at Maisha Farm we have decided not to use any pesticide to grow our fruits trees.
Our products are more nutritious and safer.
Because many of our vegetables are exported, we want to bring changes and to set our business as the best local producer of vegetables in the sub-Saharan region.
We aim, in our discovery classes, to offer a wealth of information and resources on how to start a farm, making a business plan, access to land and capital, risk management, and much more!