
Come & Visit Us

Take your kid(s) to the farm to help them develop a love for the planet and be close to nature. Visiting us at the farm is a great way to start!

Visiting a farm teaches kid skills that can never be taught in a classroom. It teaches kids where their food comes from, kid benefit in life when they know where their food is coming from, how it is raised and the amazing work did by those who are taking care of their health and food’s production. It teaches them to see the world differently and to envision to be only working in an office, but to be open up to many others jobs including farmin as nature does.

It teaches them as well on the importance of preserving the soil and respecting the nature. Why not making the farmers of tomorrow. We need more and more farmers to educate, preserve and help the planet.

Farming teaches kids How to care for animals.

In Maisha farm, we have cows, goats, donkeys, dogs, chickens, geeses. All these animals are waiting to meet our guests and to make them spend an amazing moment with all of us.

There are things you just can’t learn from a book, you need to experiment it and you will never forget it!

We want during 1 day at the farm to teach to your students how:

  • To transform natural products: mangoes into juice or jam,
  • To plan a tree
  • To harvest some crops (depending on the season)
  • To nourish fishes
  • To manage a communication
  • To care for others and much more

You want to spend 1 day with us
Book a visit here
Groups (from 1 to 10 people)
Individuals (1 to 2 people)